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EchoVideo is a lecture capture system, with which a teacher can record and share as videos whole lectures, parts of lectures or teaching videos. Videos are shared typically through Moodle or in EchoVideo course platform.

In EchoVideo course platform, teacher can add all lecture recordings and their PowerPoint slides. While watching the recording, students can take notes, comment or ask questions.

Live stream is also possible if the teacher has arranged it. Live streaming is possible in selected lecture rooms or from teacher's work computer.

To watch EchoVideo, it is recommended to use the latest versions of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox and Edge. IE browser is not supported and function problems has been detected in Safari browser when the video is opened in Moodle. Check recommended browsers here:

Why do you use EchoVideo?

  • You can watch and review topics mentioned in the lectures.
  • You can follow the whole lecture as a stream or a recording, if you cannot attend it. This way you won't miss anything in the course.
  • You can watch other videos related to the course and get more information to support your learning, if the teacher provides this kind of information.