Practical instructions for examinations

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Practical instructions for examinations

Examination times and dates of exams

Examinations are normally three hours long unless otherwise mentioned in the examination schedule. During the periods, three and four hour examinations in odd weeks on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays start at 16.15.

On exam week, examinations are arranged from Monday to Friday:

  • 8:30-11:30 (4 hour exams 8:30-12:30) and
  • 16:15-19:15 (4hour exams 16:15-20:15).

Practical instructions:

The examination rooms will be published in the morning of the examination day on the electronic boards in the main entrance and on  the wall of Student Services (Indian restaurant) and in the eLUT portal. The list of exam rooms is also found on paper on the board opposite Info-desk.

Please arrive at the examination hall on time. Students must absolutely turn off their mobile phones and leave them and any other unnecessary items in their bag, including the wristwatches. Bags are left by the wall in the examination room, not by the student's seat. Students are only allowed to have writing supplies and the items mentioned on the exam sheet with them.

Talking among students is strictly forbidden after they have entered the examination room. Students may start the examination when the invigilator gives permission. All communication between students during the examination is strictly forbidden. Students who wish to talk to the invigilator are to raise their hand.

Students who arrive no later than 15 minutes after the examination has started are allowed to enter the examination room; the clock in the exam room determines the time. Additional time will not be given to complete the examination.

Students may leave no earlier than 15 minutes after the exam has started. Students leaving the examination room must return at least one examination script with their name and student identification number, and present identification (e.g. passport). Mobile version of the student card cannot be used because the mobile phones must be left in the bags beside the wall and the bags cannot be fetched until the answering papers have been left to the invigilators.

Students use a mobile phone, talk to each other or are otherwise in violation of the rules, the invigilator takes measures. If an offence is suspected, the student in question will be removed from the examination without delay. A suspected offence is reported to the examiner, the head of the student services, the teacher or professor responsible, the head of the School or someone appointed by the head of the School, and the legal counsel of LUT. All offences are dealt with. The appropriate measure will be decided depending on the case.

Acting against exam rules is considered as misconduct in studies and leads to disqualification of the exam and disciplinary measures. Disciplinary measures are written caution from the Rector, Expulsion by LUT Board and withdrawal of possible scholarship.

Frequently asked questions about the exams in LUT

General mask recommendation

The general mask recommendation on campuses has ended. We still recommend the use of a face mask at your own consideration especially in circumstances where several persons share a space in which it is not possible to keep your distance.

In the exam room there are masks available.

If you feel sick, it is important that you stay at home. Do not come to the campus to study or work if you have any symptoms!