Stages of the Master's thesis project

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Before the master’s thesis project, i.e., conducting the actual study/project, students plan and prepare the work starting from the spring of the first year of their master’s studies: they participate in the master’s thesis info event arranged by the degree programme in Industrial Engineering and Management, seek a place to carry out the work and outline possible topics. Further information on these preliminary stages is available in Master’s Thesis project in Industrial Engineering and Management in the section on starting a master’s thesis.

The actual project is divided into five stages: (see the menu or picture above)

  • Outlining
  • Focusing
  • Carrying out the research, writing
  • Finishing
  • Assessment

In practice, these stages are partly overlapping.


The central task at this stage is to produce a project description for the first thesis examiner. The model includes those sub-areas and questions that must be considered in the project description, at the least. Fill in the Project plan -form in the beginning of your thesis work (after receiving the topic) according to your best knowledge. Save the form as: PLAN1_Lastname_FirstName and send it to the supervisor before starting the discussions. 


The central task at this stage is to prepare a detailed project plan that enables efficient, high-quality realisation of the work in line with the schedule. On the basis of the model, the student produces a precise plan and a schedule for the thesis work for the first thesis examiner. The model includes those sub-areas and questions that must be considered in the project description.

Before a schedule is made for the master’s thesis project, the student and the first examiner agree on the delivery date for the project plan and intermediate report. The project plan should be delivered to the professor about a month after the start of the work.

Carrying out the research, writing

At this stage, the actual work is carried out. The student produces the work and a manuscript he or she feels is finished and sends it to the first examiner.

The master’s thesis project includes the acquisition, analysis and utilisation of research material to solve the research problem.

Research material includes books, articles, company documents, interviews and similar materials related to the topic that are relevant in terms of the realisation of the work.

Writing the master’s thesis involves documentation of the research in the format and extent decided for the thesis. It is important to start writing as early as possible to enable the professor to give feedback at the intermediate meeting, or on other occasions, on any problems that may have occurred.

LUT uses the Turnitin plagiarism program to check the originality of theses and to give feedback and guidance. Theses must have undergone a Turnitin check before assessment. Further information is available in Moodle, course CS90A0060 Master’s thesis Industrial Engineering and Management

Intermediate report

One intermediate report is recommended during the project, but the number can be agreed on with the supervisor.

In the later stages of your thesis work, make changes and additions to the Project plan -form as agreed with the supervisor and save, for example PLAN2_Surname_First name and deliver it to the first examiner, complete with the required attachments. The model includes those sub-areas and questions that must be considered in the intermediate report. The intermediate report should be delivered to the first examiner at the time agreed in the project plan.


Students finish their manuscript and send it to the first examiner for feedback. They receive the main feedback and permission to publish the work if no significant changes are required.  At this stage at the latest, the student must agree with the first examiner on the presentation of the work (further information).

If the work was commissioned by a company or other organisation, the student must deliver the manuscript to the commissioner of the work in good time before its assessment and publication.

After receiving permission to publish the work from the first examiner, the student uploads the thesis to LUTPub, (further information). Students must request the assessment of their thesis via the assessment request form (1B form, download the form here).


Tasks related to having a master’s thesis approved and assessed are discussed in more detail in the section Publication of the master’s thesis.